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Somewhere internal lies a sense of panic and bliss, and this site of conflict is translated in Viggo Dyst’s latest effort, ‘Lucid’. Philosopher Alan Watts narrates the introduction to the EP and constructs an image of dreams and realities converging that emanates the tracks that follow.
Intimacy is established in Watts’ monologue, the listener becomes a spectator to what feels like Watts’ innermost thoughts, and this intimacy gradually and forcefully expands, evolving into tracks ‘I Like To Listen’ and ‘Enjoy’, both of which are hedonistic and focused on the Self. Then upon the arrival to ‘Are We Dreaming?’, Lucid transforms into a shared experience, into a moment of interaction, and, as the title pertains, ‘we’ become a collective body and dreaming becomes a universality.
Within the space of twenty minutes, ‘Lucid’ unearths a sense of connection out of isolation, and, by the final track, the original concept remains: the contradictory relationship between dreaming and consciousness. It does, however, present the listener with a method by which to navigate these opposing ideas: to favour playfulness over perplexity, and pleasure over control. By the end of the EP, the question remains unresolved as to whether or not we are dreaming, for it no longer matters. The release of control is where pleasure lies, and Lucid embodies this philosophy.
Release Date: May 3rd, 2019