Baertaub’s newest release ‘Wolke’ welcomes you with ‘Bazalt’, a very tight and sharply shaped minimal techno track designed to awake your senses one by one from
head to toe with small noisey cuts and bits that show their faces at certain times to draw a sonic geometrical map.
Next up is a relatively darker track ‘Rather than Rain’ which again features those alien bits and is enriched with an unexpected and grande synth melody that somehow fits perfectly with the dark mood and alienating sound of the track.
B side opens with the ZTRL remix of ‘Bazalt’ which focuses on that witty geometrical face of the track and lifts it to an upper level with slowly building beats and hypnotizing loops.
The EP closes off with the title track, ‘Wolke’ which follows a very interesting trajectory: A tense sounding chord line is softened by a groovy bass and dubby touches and percussive samples which in the end provides an unexpectedly feel good ending to a positively minimal EP
Release Date: February 17th, 2017
A1. Bärtaub – Bazalt (Original mix)
A2. Bärtaub – Rather Than Rain (Original mix)
B1. Bärtaub – Bazalt (ZTRL remix)