Rico Puestel presents the captivating debut on his newly crafted label and breeding ground [ahrt], showcasing three highly diverse, deeply routed and genre-abandoning yet coherently blended mixes of his single “Astrayed” – originally crafted as one thoroughly shaped lyrical guitar composition. Following his general approach of paramountly composing electronic tone poems as well as musical momentums that aspire to stand the test of time, harking back on the release of over 40 records since 2004, internationally, diversely mannered, genuinely made and well acclaimed, he ignites a haptic renaissance by issuing cassette tapes on a regular basis with [ahrt].
“Astrayed” additionally features exclusive download-codes and (appropriately enough for the single, aimed at the musos and collectors) label guitar-picks coming with the tapes, each copy checked, prepared and arranged by himself before delivered to the stores – living up to his personal ideal of how music should regain its exceptionalism on different layers of perception.
While [ahrt] obviously is designed for being an illimitable locus for the creation of something artful yet palpable, it also carries out a deep substantial reappraisal of the past, the relationship between creative commodities and the haptic as well as representing a home in general, but furthermore a personally suffused long-term home for Rico Puestel himself – feeling and synaesthetically inhaling the beauty and art of unfiltered creativity, analogue carrier mediums, their contemporarily nearly forgotten lifestyle and handiwork.
“H”aptic and “h”ome, the words residing behind the additional “h” in [ahrt] and its sphere of reclusive creation – a label far beyond uncomfortable restrictions, sanctions or any trivial misguidance.
Release Date: November 17th, 2016
- Destiny
- Fulfilled