Rob Hes on another level. The Dutchman’s Raw return is a reign of well-oiled, ferociously motivated machinery not defined by grand gestures, but a combustion of kick drums, feverish percussion and low end abysses, taking 11th hour techno through the most subterranean of routes.
Renowned for his melodic and emotional excursions with Tronic, SCI+TEC, Bedrock and Ovum, Rob Hes moves into the darker shadows of the dancefloor on his latest release for Kaiserdisco’s KD Raw imprint, Salvation.
‘Salvation’ is a strict discipline of high magnitude minimal techno exploiting your body’s metronome, reaching deep into infinity until it achieves prized blackout. ‘Morning Comes’ ups the physical sensation factor with its steam-powered drum arrangement. Each percussive element perfectly positioned to heighten the drama, the rhythm is complemented every step of the way as an icy hook entwines itself amid the lolloping energy.
Release Date: October 24th, 2016