Kicking off with ‘I Don’t Care’, we see the guys follow on from where they left off with plump, rollicking drums, bittersweet piano chords and a hugely addictive two-part vocal. We then see the boys start to indulge their namesake a little more – injecting some more flagrant bass into proceedings via ‘Pompadour’; But it’s trippy, twisting synths, tight production and stripped back stave makes it one of the classiest low-end affairs you’re likely to clap ears on. Wrapping up the EP and taking us to the mid-point in the band’s 2018 campaign is ‘B12’ – which careers forth with propulsive kicks, urgent hats and dry acid bass; while deft stabs and distant vocals provide a second layer of textural pleasure to give the track a really thick and palpable sense of rhythm.
Release Date: June 28th, 2018