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Following recent disruptive dispatches on Saved andMobilee, Zoo Brazil & Mark Fanciulli return to their Test Tone project once again… This time they’re on Joris Voorn’s ever-vital Green imprint and the sounds, vibe, emotion and dynamics of both tracks fit the imprint perfectly.
‘Aurora’ lights up the dance with ageless class. Rippling arpeggios, strident strings and ricochet rhythmic elements adding a little spice of hypnosis; everything sits in its right place with a bouncy sense of classic house positivity.
Then there’s the case of ‘Rebound’. A bonafide epic that sits somewhere between Garnier and Bodzin and smacks with pink sky psychedelia, there’s a precision balanced sense of theatre and soul in the barbed chords, yearning atmospheres and that bassline that has a warped mind of its own. Utterly mind-melting.
Loaded with a lavish, emotion-rich eight-minute remix from the equally talented Guy Mantzur, these exceptional cuts don’t just fit the label perfectly. They fit the summer season, too… This is not a test!
Release Date: July 6th, 2018