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The next Last Night On Earth release is at the hands of Swedish Grammy and Brit Award nominee Zoo Brazil aka John Anderson. He makes his debut on Sasha’s label with ‘Moments’, and we’re excited to have the exclusive premiere of ‘Socialism’. We managed to grab the producer to get a few words on the release…
EG: Where did the inspiration for your ‘Moments’ EP come from?
Zoo Brazil: Well sometimes inspiration can come from movies, art, life or long walks, but 92% of the time it’s just me and lots of analog synths jamming around and creating sounds. Often when you do that, inspiration comes to you, and when it comes to you it’s about catching that moment and just going with it, without thinking too much. When you start to think too much about what you are doing that’s when the magic spark can get lost, so I just try listening to the inner me without thinking of inspiration too much.
EG: How do you feel releasing on Last Night On Earth? You must be thrilled!
Zoo Brazil: LNOE is such a great label and such a welcoming crew around it, so it feels like a good home and builds something more from. I have of course known Sasha for years and recall we did play the same night some ten years ago at Sankeys in Manchester, epic fun night, so great to finally be on the label for more to come!
EG: How do you feel your sound fits in with the LNOE style?
Zoo Brazil: I think it fits perfectly on the label; the label is in my opinion very eclectic and not afraid to go out of the box, so it fits me perfectly. At the same time you can hear redline in the label discography. I’ve always seen myself like that, my releases can be very different from time to time, I love music and not a genre and let the music speak and not hi-hat of the week.
Release Date: March 9th,2018